Monica Smith is a Complementary Therapist who offers Reiki and Reflexology treatments. She has been a Reiki Master for over 20 years, has a degree in Psychology and recently completed a Diploma in Reflexology.
Monica Smith
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is a deeply relaxing holistic therapy. It is based on the theory that all the systems and organs of the body are represented in reflexes on the feet and hands. By application of gentle pressure to these reflexes using specific finger and thumb techniques, imbalances within the body can be addressed. Reflexology can improve mood, aid sleep and relieve everyday stress and tension.
Restoring balance in the Body
Prolonged stress or illness can result in imbalances in the body’s systems. The deeply relaxing nature of a Reflexology treatment can interrupt stress patterns and stimulate the body’s innate healing ability. As a complementary therapy, Reflexology can be used safely alongside other healthcare treatments and can be received at any stage in life.
Reiki is a holistic therapy that supports the body’s energy systems. Non-invasive and deeply relaxing, reiki can promote feelings of well-being and balance in the body.