Join Us in the Fight Against Bowel Cancer: Our Cancer Cause for This Year

Bowel Cancer is our chosen category of Cancer to raise funds for this year.
We have had 2 of our special clients go through & happily come through this form of cancer in the last year.
We have upped our knowledge within the team, with Rachael having upskilled in more advanced nutrition courses & Jill refreshed on the oncology massage training. We have done more study on the microbiome & supporting gut health, with several of our retail products reflecting this, encouraging improved support to the gut, leading to healthier skins, better nutrient absorption, less brain fog, improved mood as we support our “second brain.”
For the month of October, Jill & Rachael will be donating 5% of each of these treatments/ consultations to Bowel Research UK. Running alongside our extremely popular raffle – all prizes donated by our very own Maggie Shipman. £1 a ticket – always great prizes & drawn at the beginning of November!

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